Decorating? Reveal your personal style

Five ideas for translating your personal style into your home.

Have an object or two you can’t part with?

What are your favourite things? Perhaps an old tin, a quirky postcard or a beautiful vase? Why not use this group of personal objects as the starting point for styling a room.

Feel inspired in your favourite store?

From your favourite fashion stores to flea markets, take pictures of objects you want to own, collect tear sheets from brochures or print out pictures from store websites. If you lay out all these images together, you’ll find that they’ll all reflect your personal style

Have a friend whose style you admire?

We’ve all admired a friend or family member’s home and wished we could recreate the look. Make a list of features you’d love to have in your home, such as a sofa for friends to sit and chat in the kitchen or a desk by a window. Then, work those ideas into your home.

What colours are you naturally drawn to?

When choosing a colour scheme, the trick is to narrow down your choices. Start by collecting swatches or pictures of the hues you’re drawn to, then edit these down to just one colour palette.

Where do you love to sit and relax?

Restaurants and hotels are decorated to make you want to sit and relax in them. If there’s somewhere you love to go where the lighting is just right, the furniture is really comfortable and the décor is stylish, then why not adopt their look? Take photographs and create a mood board to build up a picture of your ideal space.

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