Create subtle texture with white on grey
Feb 22, 2017
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White is such a room colour which makes your room look clean and big. It is the only wall paint colour in the palette which can bring life to a boring decades old traditional home. While choosing white paint and to create its wow effect, you need to be little careful with wooden work, metallic trims, window frames, décor, floor, and furnishings. So, here are few tips how can you play with white and create a beautiful abode for you:
1. Use white as a Canvas
Use white as a canvas and let your creativity come out to fore. Design what you want and how you want your walls look. Give it an inspirational look by having an amazing natural view of tree, mountains, ocean or city. Instead of engulfing all walls in colours, use white paint as a backdrop for your stunning vistas and let it communicate what you want to hear.
2. White makes “blemishes” go away
White can mask the mess and ugly sight be it any little architectural imperfection, overhead drywall with too many blemishes, or open and exposed mechanical ducts. That’s why traditionally the gorgeous white was used to embossing and illuminating crown molding and craftsman’s details.
3. White with metals is an ageless combination
Metals reflect gorgeous with white room colour if you are pairing white with brass lightning fixtures or stainless-steel appliances. Pairing white with classic metal colour like stainless steel, copper, brass, and gold, it creates warm and welcoming effect.
4. Create a centerstage for art and craft in white backdrop
White paint allows you to showcase your own style and personality in interiors, furnishings, and décor without having to compete with the wall paint colour. If you are an artwork lover and sculpture pieces admirer, give attention to your love and inspiration with displaying them over your all-white bed or all-white fireplace mantle or on an all-white room colour wall. Doing so will grab all eyeballs without you being try for it.
5. Be confident with white upholstery
Don’t drop the idea of white garniture just because you think that white shows dirt quickly and it is harder to keep it clean. This is true, but that can be compensated if you choose room type and fabric in matching preferences. In busy living and family rooms with pets and kids, go for khaki and denim slipcovers or use faux leather, faux suedes, or any suitable fabric for your normally busy room.
6. White sets well in traditional as well as modern kitchen
White wall paint colour makes your kitchen look clean and classic. White is having a wide range of shades from off-white to pearl white and ultra-creamy which pairs amazing with wooden cabinets, waterfall edge marble countertops and counters. To elevate look and create a synchronous effect, keep all kitchen appliances in white only.
So, transform your home by using blessed white all over and experience comfort so closer to you, you never thought of.
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