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Looking for decorating ideas? Be inspired by this bold colour trend.
Feel like letting your hair down? You’re in luck: one of this year’s most popular colour trends is all about cutting loose, celebrating imperfections and shouting your personal style from the rooftops.
The colours that express this trend are high-octane and energetic. They shout: ‘Get up and go for it!’ with a cheeky wink on the side. Be brave and clash your colours by pairing citrus hues like fizzy lemon with zesty lime or why not try experimenting with the dramatic combination of moody teal and fiery orange?
If clashing contrasts aren’t your style, why not try a more harmonious look by combining colours in similar shades? Look to the blue tones within this trend’s colour palette, such as ultramarine and sky blue, and add a small dollop of bright colour through accessories and artwork.
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