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Dulux Ambiance is an exclusive range of premium interior and special effects paints to truly personalise your walls.
Dulux Ambiance Premium Interior Wall Paints give you deep, intense colours for the smoothest finish. These topcoat paints possess a colour palette of superior quality and unrivalled depth & intensity.
Combined with Dulux Ambiance Special Effects Paints, Dulux Ambiance is the best decorating solution to achieve perfect results for your interiors.
Dulux Ambiance ColourMotion is inspired by the most luminous brilliance of colours, giving your walls a unique look every time from every angle.
View the steps & tools needed to create the glossy sparkle of Dulux Ambiance ColourMotion. The Ambiance ColourMotion finishing gives your walls a unique color every time you admire your walls.
Dulux Ambiance Metallic Special Effects Paint is inspired by lustrous effects for cool metallic tones on your walls.
The Metallic Effect is available in four different colours: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Copper. Gold has three different shades; Silver has 67 different shades.
View the steps & tools needed to create the glossy sparkle of Dulux Ambiance Metallic. The Metallic finishing gives your walls a sparkle of precious metals.
Dulux Ambiance Velvet Special Effects Paint is inspired by smooth and sleek fabrics to drape your walls with a luxurious velvet finish.
The Velvet Effect is available in either Gold or Silver. Gold has five different shades; Silver has 87 different shades.
View the steps & tools needed to create the soothing smoothness of Dulux Ambiance Velvet. The Velvet finishing gives your walls a touch of luxurious fabrics.
Dulux Ambiance Linen Special Effects Paint is inspired by natural and rustic linen to let your walls stand out with a unique textured fabric effect.
The Linen Effect is available in 97 different colours.
View the steps & tools needed to create the textured warmth of Dulux Ambiance Linen. The Linen finishing gives your walls a weave of beautiful contoured lines.
Dulux Ambiance Marble Special Effects Paint is inspired by the beauty of stone for a luxurious touch of marble finish on your walls.
The Marble Effects is available in 92 different colours.
View the steps & tools needed to create the natural shine of Dulux Ambiance Marble. The Marble finishing gives your walls a flair of luscious patterns.